Timing and Structure
5 in-person lectures in Michaelmas Term. Lectures will be recorded but all students are expected to attend in person.
The aims of the course are to:
- Introduce some of the key engineering challenges to promote global sustainability
As specific objectives, by the end of the course students should be able to:
- Recognise the scale of the global challenges in energy production and control of climate change, and the importance of identifying, quantifying and pursuing developments which will have significant impact.
- Understand a range of opportunities to reduce energy consumption and to implement lower carbon technologies, in different sectors of engineering, in both developed and developing economies.
- Complete a technical investigation into an aspect of Sustainable Engineering.
Students follow up 5 lectures with an individual assignment over the Christmas vacation, submitted as a poster. This is will be followed by a presentation and discussion during Lent term.
Climate Change Mitigation: an Engineering challenge
- Climate Change: review and targets
- What makes a difference and what progress has been made to date?
- Net Zero vs Absolute Zero
- The need for electrification of energy uses
Technology implementation to step up climate change mitigation
- Why can’t technology solve everything? Pace of deployment and change
- How to make sure we are doing the right thing? Life-cycle thinking
- How fast can we go? What may limit our desired pace of deployment?
Pathways for climate change mitigation
- Buildings
- Transportation
- Industry: steel, cement, plastics, fertilisers
Water engineering for climate change adaptation
- Will the world run out of water?
- Will water cause the next world war?
- Opportunities for climate change adaptation through water engineering
Sustainable Development Goals
- Historic review of international coordination and policy
- Responsibilities for achieving Sustainable Development Goals and implications for the engineering profession
- Examples of evolving engineering practices in response to the sustainability agenda
The coursework assessment for Sustainable Engineering comprises two stages:
1. preparation of a technical poster about a topic discussed in the Sustainable Engineering lectures. The poster should:
· present an activity or service that can’t happen in 2050 in the same way as today;
· discuss how that service or activity might be delivered in 2050 and what needs to happen to make it possible.
2. presentation and discussion of your poster during a 1-hour lab session to take place between weeks 1 and 4 of Lent term.
Allwood, J. M., Cullen, J. M., Carruth, M. A., Cooper, D. R., McBrien, M., Milford, R. L., Moyniham, M. C., & Patel, A. C. H. (2012). Sustainable Materials with Both Eyes Open. UIT Cambridge. www.withbotheyesopen.com
Ashby, M. F. (2013) Materials and the Environmental — Eco-informed Material Choice. Elsevier. https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780123859716/materials-and-the-environment
IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2021). 6th Assessment Report. https://www.ipcc.ch
MacKay, D. (2008). Sustainable Energy — Without the Hot Air. UIT Cambridge. http://www.withouthotair.com/Contents.html
UN — United Nations (2015). Sustainable Development Goals. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
Examination Guidelines
Please refer to Form & conduct of the examinations.
Last modified: 12/09/2024 15:18