Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

Moodle - summary and link for Teaching Staff Guidelines

Moodle - summary and link for Teaching Staff Guidelines

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Students are automatically added to the relevant Moodle sites, and staff should automatically be registered as a  'teacher' on any course on which they are teaching.  If you need to be added to a course, make a request to moodle-support@eng.cam.ac.uk.  Also use this for any help requests.

There is a 'Help for Staff' course available on Moodle.

For Part I courses, all supervisors that are known to the Teaching Office will be added to the relevant Moodle site as 'non-editing teachers'.  They will thus have access to notes etc. that are added to the site, and also to items that are hidden from the students, for instance annotated notes.

For Part II courses, it will be for Module leaders to add supervisors to the relevant sites.

Also see the student-facing page 'course material on Moodle' which includes the self-enrolment key.

Other guides can be found on the Online Teaching Resources Moodle site.

Last updated on 02/02/2021 09:08