Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

Part IIA project descriptions

Part IIA project descriptions

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Some of the following projects also provide single page graphical overviews.

Project code Project Leader Category Type Set Capacity Significant Computing content?
GA1 Advanced Cycle Power Generation Prof R J Miller Design Group P2 24 Y
GA2 Turbo-expander Prof P G Tucker Design Group P1 20  
GA3 Heat Exchanger Dr J C Massey / Dr C J Clark Design Group P4 20 Y
GA4 Heat Pump Dr I Dedoussi   Group P3 16 Y
GB1 Optical Fibre Link Prof T Wilkinson Design Group P1 18  
GB2 Electrical Power Prof T Long Design Group P2 12  
GB3 RISC-V Processor Prof P Stanley-Marbell Design Group P4 21 Y (hardware)
GB4 Multi-modal Communications for Internet of Everything Prof O Akan Design Group P3 12 ??
GC3 Mechanics of Natural Materials Prof S Huang Design Group P1 24  
GC4 Vibration Isolation for a Rocket Payload Dr J P Talbot Design Group P2 15  
GD1 Sustainable Offsite Construction Dr B Sheil Design Group P6 15
GD2 Structural Modelling Prof A McRobie Design Group P7 15  
GF1 Control Systems Prof F Forni Design Group P3 24  
GF2 Software

Prof A Gee

Design Group P2 / P3 30 + 30 Y
GF3 Audio Modem Dr. J Sayir Design Group P2 27 Y
GG1 Microfluidics Dr T Savin Design Group P4 12  
GG2 CT reconstruction and visualisation Prof G Treece Design Group P1 21 (see description)
GG3 Neural Data Analysis Dr F Mancini Design Group P1 12  
GM1 Multidisciplinary Design Dr P Long Design Group P1 20  
GM2 Technology for the poorest billion Prof A Kabla Design Group P2 16  
SA1 Aircraft Wing Analysis Dr W Graham Design Standard P2 32 Y
SC1 Automotive Suspension Prof D Cole Design Standard P4 20  
SC2 Bicycle Design Prof M Sutcliffe Design Standard P3 18  
SF1 Data Analysis Prof S J Godsill   Standard P4 20 Y
SF2 Image Processing Prof J Lasenby Design Standard P1 24 Y
SF4 Data Logger Prof I C Lestas Design Standard P3 16  
SF5 Networks, friendship, and disease Dr G Cantwell Design Standard P3 16 Y
SL1 Intermediate French Mr D Tual Language Standard P8 12  
SL2 Advanced French Mr D Tual Language Standard P8 12  
SL3 Intermediate German Mr Jan-Moritz Bogdanovic Language Standard P8 12  
SL4 Advanced German Mr Jan-Moritz Bogdanovic Language Standard P8 12  
SL5 Spanish Mr S Bianchi Language Standard P8 12  

Note: for information on the timing of projects in each set, see the sections below on Timetable and other constraints and Project timetables.

Last updated on 29/08/2024 15:38