Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

Register of non-UTO markers of Part II coursework

Register of non-UTO markers of Part II coursework

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Part IIA and Part IIB coursework register of approved non-UTO markers

All teaching duties are listed in the teaching duties database. Please note that staff are expected to discharge their teaching duties personally.  If you wish to arrange for a guest lecturer to give one of your allocated lectures please discuss this well in advance with the Chair of your Subject Group and notify the Teaching Coordinator so that your load can be recorded correctly; any proposed payments must be authorised in advance by the Teaching Office.

 Marking for positive credit in Part IIA and IIB must be conducted by teaching staff, unless prior approval has been obtained to use non-staff markers.  Any such requests must be approved by the Chair of the relevant Subject Group, and the approval copied to the Teaching Office so that the register of non-staff markers can be updated.

Last updated on 27/07/2023 09:50