Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

Supervisions of third-year modules

Supervisions of third-year modules

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Third-year module leaders and supervisors should remember that it is important that supervisions be arranged promptly once the students have made their module selection on COMET (Wednesday of week one in both Michaelmas and Lent terms).  Standard practice is 3 (one hour) supervisions per module this term, with an optional revision/vacation work supervision early next term.  Supervisors are reminded to seek authorisation from the relevant Director of Studies before giving more than this number of supervisions.  Any non-UTO new supervisors must have first attended the training course for new supervisors.  Any problems with supervisors reported by students to module leaders or DoS must be investigated promptly.

Module leaders are asked to remind supervisors to submit their supervision reports to CamCORS a few days before the end of term, so that Directors of Studies can discuss them with students.

Supervision arrangements for 3E modules (management) may involve classes rather than standard supervisions. More information on what is planned for each module should be provided on the syllabus pages.

Last updated on 27/07/2023 10:39