Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

Terminology Guide

Terminology Guide

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We know that the abbreviations and Cambridge-specific jargon can be a little bewildering at first so have compiled the following list as a guide.  Please let the Teaching Office know if we have missed any important terms out.

Glossary of Cambridge-specific terminology

Demonstrator A person (often a postdoc) who helps supervise labs and practical classes
Director of Studies An academic (usually a College Fellow) who oversees an undergraduate's academic studies on behalf of the College
Easter Term The third of three Terms in the academic year, between Easter and midsummer
Fellow A senior member of the College, in an academic post, who is involved with College affairs
Lent Term The second of three Terms in the academic year, between Christmas and Easter
Michaelmas Term The first of three terms in the academic year, between October and Christmas
Part I First and second years of the undergraduate degree programme
Part IA First year of the undergraduate degree programme
Part IB Second year of the undergraduate degree programme
Part IIA Third year of the undergraduate degree programme
Part IIB Fourth year of the undergraduate degree programme
Part II Third and fourth years of the undergraduate degree programme
Tutor An academic (usually a College Fellow) responsible for the pastoral care of students
Tripos Undergraduate degree programmes at the University of Cambridge are known as Triposes
Supervision This is the main form of teaching in College by Supervisors whose specialism is relevant to the area of study being taught. These are normally carried out individually or in small groups.

Commonly used abbreviations and acronyms

AV Audio-visual
BA Bachelor of Arts
CAD Computer-aided design
CamCORS Cambridge Colleges Online Reporting System for Supervisions
CAPE Centre for Advanced Photonics and Electronics
CET Chemical Engineering Tripos
CLIC Department of Engineering's Centre for Lanuages and Inter-Communication
COMET Online module choice system for third and fourth year undergraduates
CUEA Cambridge University Engineers' Association
CUES Cambridge University Engineering Society
CUSU Cambridge University Students’ Union
DPO Design and Project Office within the Department of Engineering
ECP École Centrale Paris
IfM Institute for Manufacturing within the Department of Engineering
LPE Language Programme for Engineers
MEng Master of Engineering
MET Manufacturing Engineering Tripos
MPhil Master of Philosophy
NSS National Student Survey
NUS National University of Singapore
SSJC Staff Student Joint Committee
VLE Virtual Learning Environment (the Department uses Moodle as its VLE)


Last updated on 23/08/2019 10:16

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