Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

Updates on the course - Lent 2017

Updates on the course - Lent 2017

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UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunities program)

UROPs are an opportunity for Cambridge undergraduate students to spend a period of time over the summer assisting with research activities taking place across the spectrum of University Departments.

The scheme is open to any Cambridge University student provided that they have at least one full academic year of their undergraduate course to complete.

UROPs usually have a 10 week duration and there is a bursary payment at the rate of £230 per week.

For background information, including the application procedure, FAQs and a list of projects offered last year see the UROPS homepage.

Students in Parts IA-IIA will be alerted when the initial list of projects offered for summer 2017 is posted and further projects will be added as staff propose them.



Part 1 - Lecture capture in LT0

From Lent 2017, a number of lectures in LT0 will be captured and made available online as part of a pilot in the University. The slides projected during the lecture, the stage of LT0, and the voice of the lecturer will be recorded. Recorded lectures will be made available to the students a few days after the lecture to enhance their learning experience and improve the accessibility of the course. 

The lecture capture program is not a substitute for lecture attendance. The pilot could be terminated at any point.

Students sitting in LT0 will not be visible on the record. However, students who climb on the stage of LT0 to talk to the lecturer or make announcements before or after lectures might appear in the videos. If you would like to make sure your voice/image is not recorded, you can ask the lecturer to pause the capture.

More information about the pilot is available on Moodle, but be aware that CUED's implementation of the pilot might not be fully consistent with the generic information provided there.


Get in touch with the Teaching Office for any query or feedback.



Transferable skills training

The following page records all transferable skills training sessions available to undergraduate students.


Don't wait until you critically need those skills to learn them!



Commonly used forms

A new page on the website now links to the most common forms that students would need. It should be available on the right panel links, or at the bottom of the page on small displays. Please feel free to use it!

Forms and templates


Last updated on 19/01/2017 06:56