Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

Part IIB project key dates & deadlines - portfolio item

Part IIB project key dates & deadlines - portfolio item

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Actions relating to projects running during the current academic year (2024-25) are shown here in bold text.

Actions relating to preparation of projects for the next academic year (2025-26) are shown in plain text.

Michaelmas term 2024

Tuesday, wk 0

8 October

Start of full term.  Teaching Office issues ‘Second Notice about Part IIB Projects’ to all IIB students.  Teaching Office issues a ‘Summary for Project Supervisors’ to all Part IIB project supervisors, and the Michaelmas ‘progress & industry’ mark forms (there are two per student – one for Michaelmas and one for Lent).

Wednesday, wk 0

9 October

Compulsory health and safety lecture - all Part IIB students must attend.

Wednesday, wk 1

16 October

Hazard assessment forms to the Safety Office by 4pm. A penalty will be deducted per week, or part week, the assessment is late.

Friday, wk 5

8 November

Deadline for first progress & industry meeting with supervisor. Written feedback to student within 48 hours.

Thursday, wk 7

21 November

Start of mini-conferences where students give oral presentations.  Supervisor and assessor mark independently. Feedback forms returned to Group Administrators immediately following the presentations.

Wednesday, wk 8

4 December

By this date, feedback should be given to students on their performance at mini-conference.

Friday, wk 9

6 December

Deadline for second progress & industry meeting with supervisor.  Written feedback to student within 48 hours. Group Administrators check that supervisors' and assessors' markbooks are up to date.

Lent term 2025

Thursday, wk 1

23 January

Submission of technical milestone report (by 4pm). The supervisor and assessor mark independently. Feedback forms returned to Group Administrators by Thursday week 3.

Monday, wk 1

27 January

Teaching Office issues ‘First Notice about Part IIB Projects’ to Part IIA students.

Thursday, wk 3

6 February

Deadline for submission of technical milestone report feedback forms to Group Administrators. 

Monday, wk 4

17 February

Administrators to have sent technical milestone report feedback forms to students.

Friday, wk 5

21 February

Deadline for third progress & industry meeting with supervisor. Written feedback to student within 48 hours.

Monday, wk 8

17 March

Professor Gee will give a talk to IIA students about the IIB project selection process, at 1.30pm in the Constance Tipper Lecture Theatre.

Friday, wk 9

21 March

Deadline for fourth progress & industry meeting with supervisor.  Written feedback to student within 48 hours. Group Administrators collect markbooks from supervisors and assessors.

Friday, wk 9

21 March

Coordinators to request type (a) project proposals from their groups.

Friday, wk 9

21 March

Students wishing to initiate a type (b) project should work on proposal. Ideally, proposal forms should be submitted to relevant Group Coordinators before the end of term.

Easter term 2025

Tuesday, wk 0

29 April

Last possible date for type (b) projects to be proposed to coordinators. Viability to be determined as soon as possible thereafter.

Monday, wk 1

5 May

By this date type (a) proposals to be entered by staff online.

Monday, wk 2

12 May

Teaching Office emails students that project descriptions are available for viewing.

Monday, wk 2

12 May

Students may start entering project choices online.

Friday, wk 4

23 May

By midnight, all type (a) preferences and type (b) proposals to be entered online.

Saturday, wk 4

24 May

Lists of projects in each group with names of students choosing each and the order of preference available online. Where a student's preferences span more than one group, name is included on lists of all coordinators involved.

Friday, wk 5

30 May

First list of Part IIB project/student allocations posted on or by this date. Any student without a project to contact coordinator of group they wish to be in.

Monday, wk 5

2 June

Teaching Office and coordinators to have identified students failing to get a project at first selection and discuss alternatives.

Monday, wk 5

2 June

Last day for submitting final reports and technical abstracts (by 4pm). Each student also submits their log book or electronic equivalent (to go to the assessor). Supervisor and assessor mark independently. Each group passes a complete set of technical abstracts to the Teaching Office for archiving.

Tuesday, wk 5

3 June

Start of mini-conference period.  Presentations marked by supervisors and assessors independently.

Wednesday, wk 6

11 June

Last day for return to Group Administrator of final report, presentation and synoptic mark forms. Group Coordinators moderate final grades. 

Friday, wk 7

13 June

Project planning forms (signed by both student and supervisor) to be submitted to Group Administrators by this date. Supervisors and supervisees to hold planning meetings.

Monday, wk 7

16 June

Coordinators to supply a complete set of milestone reports, final reports, log books and relevant forms to the Teaching Office for submission to external examiners.

Wednesday, wk 7

18 June

Last day for submission of project mark books and reports to Chairman of Examiners by Group Coordinators.


Last updated on 09/03/2025 14:41