Undergraduate Teaching 2023-24

Part IIA project guide - Introduction

Part IIA project guide - Introduction

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During the Easter term following the IIA examinations, all Part IIA students undertake 2 projects from a choice of around 30. A few projects have preparatory sessions during the Lent Term (counting towards the same total workload).

Some projects have pre-requisite modules ('useful' or 'essential') and will assume certain background knowledge. NB. It is the students' responsibility to check these pre-requisites, and to choose projects (and modules) appropriately - this will NOT be checked via COMET.

Details of schedules and pre-requisites are provided in the Project descriptions.

Projects are of two types, “Group” and “Standard”, and you must take at least one Group project. Group-based projects involve working in groups of at least 3, with some degree of inter-dependence, shared effort, and marks for group work. Some Standard projects also involve working in pairs and pooling results.

Most projects are also classified as Design, Field or Language, and you must take at least one Design project. Projects are in timetabled sets, and there are other constraints on allowable combinations (details below).

Project codes (e.g. GA1, SB1) indicate Group (G) or Standard (S), and the associated subject area (A-G, as for IIA modules, plus L for Languages, and M for Multidisciplinary). Projects may be chosen from ANY subject area (taking due account of any pre-requisites). 

Each project has a leader, but groups of projects also have a coordinator that you are welcome to contact to discuss any general matters throughout your project. You can also contact the Teaching Office, or the overall project coordinator, Dr Alex White.

Project codes Coordinator
GA, GC, SA, SC Dr Alex White
GB, GF, SB, SF Prof Ioannis Lestas
GD Prof Allan McRobie
GG, GM, SG, SL Prof Alexandre Kabla


Last updated on 14/11/2022 12:34