Undergraduate Teaching 2024-25

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Additional course costs non-compulsory

Centre for Languages and Inter-Communication (CLIC) trips

The cost of these optional trips for those taking language courses (which are often open to students in all years) is c. £300.

Photocopying and printing

Students are required to pay for photocopying and printing if they exceed their quota, which is designed to accommodate the majority of the requirements of the course.

Last updated on 25/08/2023 11:02

Part IA coursework and labs summary for start of year info

Part IA coursework starts with an intensive, hands-on activity using Lego Mindstorms. You work in groups of three on an open-ended and fun activity to design and build a simple electro-mechanical device. There are ten timetabled hours in the lab & coursework schedule, but you may wish to allow extra time during the evenings and weekend. The lab handout is available on Moodle.

Last updated on 25/09/2021 13:52

Part IA introductory lectures

Introductory lectures: Wednesday 9 October 2024, 9.15–11.00 in The Constance Tipper Lecture Theatre.

09.15 Welcome to CUED Prof. Colm Durkan, Head of Department
09.25 Aims of the Engineering Tripos Prof. John Durrell, Deputy Head (Teaching)
09.35 Introducing the Teaching Office

Last updated on 19/09/2024 11:24

Teaching Strategies for new undergraduate supervisors

What should I do in the first supervision with new students?

  • Explain the purpose of supervisions, and reporting arrangements.
  • Explain that your main role is to help them.
  • Emphasise that the onus is on them to get the most out of the supervision.
  • Emphasise the importance of keeping up to date with all examples papers.
  • Explain that they should be attempting past Tripos questions throughout the year, not limited to those that you set.

Last updated on 02/08/2021 10:43

Short leave rules and application

19/08/2013 11:38 -- Secretary to th...

Rules for University Officers

Short leave is defined as periods away from Cambridge during full term of a maximum of 28 nights (i.e. half the term). The sum of any absence during one full term must not be more than 28 nights. If an officer is away for longer than that, the leave should either be taken as sabbatical leave, or unpaid leave of absence. The following procedures apply for all requests for short leave.

Last updated on 05/02/2020 09:45

Part IIB projects - summary and link for Student Guides

Each student must undertake a major individual design, research and/or computer project at a high technological level on a topic of practical relevance. A member of CUED staff will act as your project supervisor. Your project is a very important part of the final year and is expected to take up roughly half your working time throughout the whole of that year.

See the  Part IIB Project Guide (second notice) for comprehensive information about the projects. 

Last updated on 27/07/2023 10:51


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